Write For US

Are you passionate about fashion, business, tech, or home decoration? Speciousness welcomes guest contributors to share their insights, expertise, and unique perspectives with our diverse audience.

Why Write for Speciousness?

  • Exposure: Reach a broad audience and showcase your expertise to readers interested in fashion, business, tech, and home decoration.

  • Establish Authority: Position yourself as an industry thought leader by contributing valuable content to our platform.

  • Networking Opportunities: Join our community of writers and connect with like-minded individuals in your niche.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Content Relevance:

    • We accept articles related to fashion trends, business strategies, tech innovations, and home decoration ideas.

    2. Originality:

    • Ensure your content is original, not published elsewhere, and free from plagiarism.

    3. Article Length:

    • Aim for a word count between 800 to 1500 words to provide comprehensive insights. You can use this word counter tool.

    4. Formatting:

    • Use clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points for easy readability.

    5. Images:

    • Include high-quality images related to your content with proper attribution.

    6. Author Bio:

    • Provide a brief author bio (100 words) with a link to your personal or professional website.

How to Submit:

    1. Pitch Your Idea:

      • Send us a brief pitch outlining your article idea, including the proposed title and a short summary.
    2. Approval:

      • Once your pitch is approved, you can proceed with writing the full article.
    3. Submission:

    4. Review Process:

      • Our editorial team will review your submission, and if necessary, provide feedback for revisions.
    5. Publication:

      • Once accepted, your article will be published with proper attribution.

    Contact Us:

    Ready to contribute? Have a question? Reach out to us at contribute@speciousness.com.

    Thank you for considering Speciousness as a platform to share your valuable insights. We look forward to collaborating with you!